
Amanita is a Genus - TaxonomyGenus - Taxonomy
Genus is the rank in [[Taxonomy of Living Organisms]], that comes after [[Family - Taxonomy]] and before Species - TaxonomySpecies - Taxonomy
Species is the lowest rank in [[Taxonomy of Living Organisms]], that comes after [[Genus - Taxonomy]].

Status: #🌱


Status: #🌱

of FungiFungi
Fungus (plural Fungi) is any eukaryotic ([[Eukarya - Domain]]) organism that belongs to a group of:


They are specified as a separate [[Kingdom - Taxonomy]] of li...
belonging to AmanitaceaeAmanitaceae
Amanitaceae is the name of [[Fungi family]] belonging to [[Agaricales]] [[Fungi order]].

It holds the following [[Genus - Taxonomy]]:


Status: #🌱

family that is characterized by having:

  • Gills (Lamellae)Gills (Lamellae)
    A structure made of papery ribbons below the [[Cap (Pileus)]] of a [[Mushroom]].

    In some mushrooms, gills are [[Hymenium]].

    See [[Morphology of a Mushroom]].

    Status: #🌱


    [[Video ...
  • Partial veil (Annulus)Partial veil (Annulus)
    The ring located below the [[Cap (Pileus)]] and [[Gills (Lamellae)]] of a [[Mushroom]] is called Annulus (partial veil). It's used to cover the [[Hymenium]] until the fruiting body matures.

    See [[...
  • Universal Veil (Volva)Universal Veil (Volva)
    At the base of a [[Mushroom]]'s [[Stalk (Stipe)]], there is a white cup called Volva (universal veil). It holds the whole fruiting body before the mushroom becomes mature and sprouts.

    See [[Morpho...

Some Species - TaxonomySpecies - Taxonomy
Species is the lowest rank in [[Taxonomy of Living Organisms]], that comes after [[Genus - Taxonomy]].

Status: #🌱

in this genus are:

  • Amanita muscaria

Status: #🌱
