DNS Resolution

DNS (Domain Name System) provides us a way to give names to ip addresses. For example, if you have a [[Database]] running on a host in your local network behind the ip (Host B), you can...
Resolution is a process in which Domain NameDomain Name
While our local network hosts can be referenced with names such as db, on the internet, hosts use a special Domain Name format: www.google.com.

The purpose of this format is to group similar thing...
are converted to IP addresses of the hosts they point to.

The process of resolution is handled by multiple DNS servers which forward the requests to each other in order to find the server with the actual IP address. In the example of maps.google.com:

  • Your local machine doesn't know what maps.google.com is, so it forwards the request to the DNS Servers on the internet
  • Root DNS Server looks at your request and forwards it to the DNS ServerDNS Server
    DNS Server is a server who's primary purpose is the DNS resolution. It holds a [[Database]] of IP addresses and Domain Names, and is able to communicate with other DNS Servers to help with the quer...
    resolving .com domains
  • .com DNS Server looks at your request and forwards you to google's DNS
  • Google's DNS Server provides you with the ip address of the server serving the maps application
  • In order to speed up the resolution in the future, your machine can chose to cache this record for a period of time (few secs - few mins).

Status: #🌲
