Elasticsearch Quorum

In ElasticsearchElasticsearch
Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine that serves as a data/document store in Elastic Stack.

It stores data in serialized JSON documents which are indexed inside an inverted i...
, modification of cluster state and master node election can only be performed by master nodes. In order to allow for some fault tolerance of the cluster, each decision is made through a quorum of eligible master nodes by getting a confirmation from the majority of masters.

As nodes get added and removed, Elasticsearch automatically updates its voting configuration to know how many nodes need to confirm the action before it's considered successful. This process takes a short amount of time, but it's important to let it complete for each node before adding/removing any additional nodes.

You need to be careful to never have more than half of the master eligible nodes unavailable, as it will lead to the cluster being unusable.

Systems that work like this favor having an uneven number of nodes because it enables it to determine majority and avoid "split-brain" problem where Network PartitionNetwork Partition
Network Partition is a division of a network into a separate subnets, either by design or by network failure.

When a network partition occurs, all traffic sent from a component in partition A to c...
ends up creating two equally sized halves of the cluster which both believe they have the majority. To overcome this, when you have an even number of masters, Elasticsearch will ensure that one of them doesn't take part in decision making.

Master election happens on cluster startup and in case an elected master fails.

If multiple masters are taken down and quorum is lost, but they are quickly taken back online (as during a Rolling Update Deployment StrategyRolling Update Deployment Strategy
Rolling Update is a [[Deployment Strategy]] (also known as Ramped or Incremental), where we slowly replace version A with version B.

How it works

before we start, we have 2 instances of A runni...
), Elasticsearch will recover on its own. This will happen without issues, as the existing set of masters that are already part of the voting configuration will remain unchanged after the masters are back up.

For the first election, Elasticsearch needs to rely on an externally-provided set of master eligible nodes, which can be provided in the configuration through cluster.initial_master_nodes.

You can see the list of nodes that are part of the current voting configuration by querying:

curl -XGET https://localhost:9200/_cluster/state?filter_path=metadata.cluster_coordination.last_committed_config

Status: #🌱
