K8S Master Node

Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. This note serves as a Map of Content for this topic. Start your exploration on one of these notes:

K8S NodeK8S Node
In [[Kubernetes]], a Node is a (physical or virtual) machine in charge of running some workloads. Kubernetes is run entirely on nodes, and everything that happens on Kubernetes cluster, happens on ...

[[K8S Object]]
[[What happen...
Master nodes (also known as k8s controlplane) are K8S NodeK8S Node
In [[Kubernetes]], a Node is a (physical or virtual) machine in charge of running some workloads. Kubernetes is run entirely on nodes, and everything that happens on Kubernetes cluster, happens on ...
s responsible for managing the cluster. No user processes normally run on master node, this is the job of the K8S Worker NodeK8S Worker Node
[[Kubernetes]] Worker nodes are the place where the actual work is being executed inside k8s cluster. They run workloads as dictated by the [[K8S Master Node]], and update the master node on their ...

These are the main components of the k8s controlplane:

  • etcd clusteretcd cluster
    Etcd is a reliable key-value [[Database]]. It is one of the most important parts of a [[Kubernetes]] cluster used to store the data of the K8S ApiserverK8S Apiserver
    Kube Apiserver is the primary component of a [[Kubernetes]] cluster. It runs on a [[K8S Master Node]], and is the only component which is talking directly to the [[etcd cluster]]. It exposes a REST...
    . It uses [[Raft Protocol]] to establish ...
  • K8S SchedulerK8S Scheduler
    [[Kubernetes]] scheduler is a [[K8S Master Node]] component in charge of [[K8S Scheduling]].

    Status: #🌱

  • K8S Controller ManagerK8S Controller Manager
    Kube Controller Manager is a [[K8S Master Node]] component that manages various controllers in [[Kubernetes]]. Controllers are processes which continiously monitor the status of various parts of th...
  • K8S ApiserverK8S Apiserver
    Kube Apiserver is the primary component of a [[Kubernetes]] cluster. It runs on a [[K8S Master Node]], and is the only component which is talking directly to the [[etcd cluster]]. It exposes a REST...

Status: #💡
