K8S Replication Controller

Replication Controller is part of K8S Controller ManagerK8S Controller Manager
Kube Controller Manager is a [[K8S Master Node]] component that manages various controllers in KubernetesKubernetes
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. This note serves as a Map of Content for this topic. Start your exploration on one of these notes:

[[K8S Node]]
[[K8S Object]]
[[What happen...
. Controllers are processes which continiously monitor the status of various parts of th...
in KubernetesKubernetes
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. This note serves as a Map of Content for this topic. Start your exploration on one of these notes:

[[K8S Node]]
[[K8S Object]]
[[What happen...
. It is responsible for monitoring the status of K8S ReplicasetK8S Replicaset
ReplicaSets are [[K8S Object]]s used to make sure a certain number of K8S PodK8S Pod
Pod is a [[K8S Object]] used to run one or more tightly coupled containers and is rarely used directly, especially in production because of the limitations on the number of properties that can be u...
s is running on the Kubernetes cluster.

ReplicaSet uses the labels defined in the selector property to find all the...
s, and ensures that the desired number of pods are available at all times. If a K8S PodK8S Pod
Pod is a [[K8S Object]] used to run one or more tightly coupled containers and is rarely used directly, especially in production because of the limitations on the number of properties that can be u...
dies, it creates another one.

Status: #🌱
