Prometheus Metric Scraping

Once Prometheus Service DiscoveryPrometheus Service Discovery
Once your code is instrumented, PrometheusPrometheus
Prometheus is an open source, metrics based [[Monitoring]] system. Its data model is kept as a time series, each consisting of key value pairs called labels.

PromQL is a querying language that all...
needs a way to find the services which are exposing the metrics. Yes, you could tell Prometheus where the services are and where they expose metrics, ...
gets us the list of targets to be monitored, PrometheusPrometheus
Prometheus is an open source, metrics based [[Monitoring]] system. Its data model is kept as a time series, each consisting of key value pairs called labels.

PromQL is a querying language that all...
fetches the metrics by sending a "scrape" http request.

Once Prometheus receives a response to the scrape request, it parses the response, enriches it with details about scrape itself (e.g. was scrape successful, how long it took) and ingests it into storage. Scrape requests usually happen very often (e.g. every 10-60 seconds).

Based on this, we can see that Prometheus is a pull-based system, as the services only expose the metrics, while Prometheus itself reaches out to "pull" them. Trying to set up Prometheus in a push-based way is very ill advised.

Status: #🌱
